Erotic Poems

Desire and intimacy are very much a part of Love, and these erotic poems prove that sex need not be sordid or ugly. On the contrary, between two people very much in love with each other, sex can the most beautiful and natural thing in the universe.
Warning: While we don't publish anything even mildly salacious or obscene, most of this material is intended for a mature audience.
Erotic Poems (1-50)
Taking the first step towards love is both journey and destination.
This poem is an almost surrealistic view of nature and passion.
Loneliness and desire - ingredients for a memorable night and, perhaps, long days of regret.
Daydreaming is a wonderful experience, especially dreams of passion.
Is it simply human nature that makes us "want?" Or might it not be love?
There is a moment when two people become one, and in their oneness become two in love.
There is magic and fantasy to Love - and to being loved.
Love is an aphrodisiac, not only for the body, but also for the mind.
There is a truth to be found in Love, and an honesty to be discovered in desire.
The past means nothing when questions find their answers, and women find their Love.
Scientists can define the sense of touch exactly, explaining with words like neural receptors and tactile stimulation. Ah, but poets can do it, too, and with far more beauty.
Can mere words mimic the discordant cadence and tender touch of Love? Yea, maybe they can…
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Scientists tell us humanity arose from the waters. But they never explained it quite like this.
Intimacy, freely given, is but the first link in a chain of gifts.
'Tis better to give than receive. Just not always.
To boil water you add fire. For this talented poet, the fire has a name.
Love can arouse every human sense.
The moments when we awake, beside the one we love, are very special ones.
At times, our bodies will let our minds think of only one thing.
Sometimes just the thought of someone can stir up emotions in us when we least expect it.
Passion comes in many guises…
Many people have passionate dreams, many of which are never forgotten.
What better way to start a night of beautiful sharing than with a kiss?
Sometimes our loved ones put us on pedestals - and we simply can't or don't choose to live up to the picture they have in their minds.
We all have them - wicked thoughts, dark desires. What are yours? Besides, they're just fantasies - aren't they?
This poet has a wonderfully erotic way - with a necessity for very few words.
It holds us together, protects us from the world - and brings us some of life's greatest pleasures.
It's happening everywhere around you, unseen, unfelt - but perhaps not unheard?
Thoughts, even at work, can sometimes turn to fantasies of what is to come later.
How wonderful that feeling of "lust" - especially when you share it with just the right person.
Ah, romantic love - it breathes life into us. This wonderful love poem pulses with imagery, and does just that...
This poet is intensely romantic - and equally as intense in his description of love...
Intimacy can make us feel very good. Or very bad.
Fantasy and love have something very much in common. Both can totally consume our lives.
Physical love, like emotional love, isn't always everything we might wish.
I'm not sure if this is an sexy poem (it is!), a delightfully funny poem (it is!), or just a wonderfully beautiful expression of budding love (it's that, too!).
When love and lust unite, there is a power and beauty that cannot be denied.
The ocean, the scientists say, is the fountainhead of Life. And, too, perhaps of love?
Insatiable is just a word. But words, in the hands of a poet like this, can take you into a reality of their own. Don't be surprised to find scratches on your back after reading this one…
A poem of unlikely adjectives and passionate imagery…
Who would have thought an open-air picnic could be like this?
There is heat in love, and imagery in poetry. And this poem combines them in a delightful melody of the senses.
The beauty of physical love lies not in vividly described actions, but rather in poignantly written thoughts and feelings.
Intimacy can be, and often is, a path to discovery.
What's the world's greatest (and oldest) aphrodisiac?
Love speaks to us with more than words.
Anticipation lends a sweetness to anything - but especially passion.
The mind is the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world…
This poem is a fantasy. About finally meeting someone in RL that was met on the Internet.
Some people fantasize about making love in the rain. But in the snow?
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