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About the Poem

A person becomes depressed when he realizes how many people are blinded by material things and his pure and noble "gifts" are meaningless in their eyes.

A Gift

one given
one departed
any friendship could be started
something kind
something mine
a gift to find
a piece of mind
a peace too fine
serenity unknown
distant waves alone
swirling black in night
thoughts drift into fright
darkness has come; everything’s numb
blindingly dark and brilliantly dull
hands all tight
grasping for sight
grasping in fright
senses hammered
feelings clamor
with just a glimpse of glamour
seconds fly as time ticks by
dates to come
and feelings not punned
a joke for fun
a break of tongue
a flicker now
just undone
everything is to shun
not a thought and not a care
with this there's nothing there
it's not a gift
and it's just not fair
screams of despair
shattering there
thoughts are gone
conscience’s clear
everything seems so queer
life goes on for simple pawns
and still I pray
for the day when there’s
more than one mind that matters
a gift I gave
a gift much sadder
only you seem
much gladder.
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© 1999 Alan Jacobs Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

2 Visitor Comments

What's friendship? Is it only compatibilty? No, it's more, it's also more than feelings . and more than a gift!
This is very good. It really touched my heart.

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