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About the Poem

I wrote this poem for my boyfriend, to show him how I first felt when I saw him walk into my house. He got locked up 2 months ago and I miss him very much. So Ryan when you get out and if you read this. This ones for you.

Ryan my heart has been forever changed by the grace of the love you give.


I was struck before the hour
Of a love so sudden and sweet.
Your face shone like a shining star
And made my own heart beat.
My face turned as pale as ever,
My legs refused to walk away
Yet when you looked at me
What could I possibly say?
My life had suddenly seemed
To all just melt away.

Then my blood rushed to my face
And took my sight away.
It seemed like it was midnight
When it was only mid- day
I could not see a single thing,
Words from my eyes did start,
They spoke as a chord does from a string
And a sweeter melody it did play.

You seemed to hear my silent voice
And love's appeal to dream
I never saw such a sweet face
As the one that stood before me.
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© 1999 Jessica Genest Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

67 Visitor Comments

i loved ur poem, because it was really romantic and it is a perfect poem to sent to ur boyfriend or girlfriend! it is just really awesome! i wish i good write as well as you!
Omg! My bf and i have been together almost 2 1/2 years and he has been in prison for 16 months he gets out in 26 days this made me cry!
hey, my name is jessica to im uner my boy friends name. i really like the poem a lot its just what i was looking for. my boyfriend is locked up to his been there from july 19th and will be in jail untill september 11 2007 55 days his got 27 more days to go from this day. its not that long but for me i can say it is. i miss him so much hes only 18 we have a 7mon. old and a baby on the way i may self is 19 to young people but we been to gather 4 a long time. i just wanted to say the poem was really good i loved it. he rote me a poem from jail i dident no what to say so thats why im here looking 4 one think u so much
this poem is so sweet. my life is like this. i like this guy but he don't really know. in fact he is going out with someone but i am in love with him. no matter what i still love him. because he is so cute sexy and just so wonderful. i don't know how to explain. but your poem is so beautiful
i really like this poems. i can relate to it. my boyfriends locked up for about almost a month now. and i miss him so much!
jessica that was a wonderful poem. u really understand the meaning of love girl. guess what?my ex boyfriend's name is Ryan!
My boyfriend just recently went to jail 2 weeks ago, he has 2 months left. i feel so empty without him, he was the other half of me, every minute we spent together i fell in love with him over and over again, i know he is the one i'm going to spend the rest of my life with. i am so crushed, and don't know what to do with my life, i miss him terribly. :(
My boyfriend whose called ryan got locked up a few months ago aswell and i was just on here looking for a poem to send in to him to tell him how much i love him and i came across this! I was so shocked! thanks.
I love this poem so much, it reminds me of my ex- boyfriend i love him so much . we are no longer togather but when i read this it made me think of him,and it made me cry just thinking about him and how much i love him, and want him back
Oh my god, I never thought that I would find somebody that was going through the same thing that I am. I have been with my boyfriend for 2 and 1/2 years almost and he's been in jail for 10 months now. I miss him so very much and wish that he was here right now. But he get's out in 2 months hopefully and I pray that he doesn't screw this one up too. I have a baby with him and I just want the best for her, and that's for her to have her adday around. Thank you so much, I'm going to print this poem off and send it to him. Thank you so much for pointing out that I'm not the only one going through this!
I like dis poem alot. It says alot bout how i feel towards ma bf! Its all true and i fink ill write dis poem out n give it 2 ma bf. Thanx 4 dat poem Jess. xxx
dude! i loved your poems my boyfriend has been locked up for 2 months now and he has 5 more to go. i really relate to your poem thanx for sharing it!. i miss my boy. hes coming out on May 1st 2006!. well keep up the good work!
I really loved your poem because it tells your real feelings about how you felt for your boyfriend and how much you love him and i think that is really sweet.
loved this one. That was the same feeling I had when I seen my first and only love
i love this poem it touch me
i know how you feel the love of my life was locked up 3 days ago and won't get out for another year it hurts and there is so much pain but in time he'll come back to you it's a test of true love and trust
This is a really good poem
this poem was amazing
this poem is the boum
I think you are very talented and some of your wording is fantastic, something Keats would come up with. I would like to send this to my boyfriend except he knows I could never write something like this. Keep up the great work. My partner has 4 years left to go so your lucky yours will be out soon. Time passes quickly when you keep busy too so keep writing ; )
oh my god my boo went 2 jail its been 4 years whitout him but hes comin out today my boo iz neva gonna go bac ill do anything 2 keep hin
it was sweet and true alot of things
i love it!
I love your poem it really relates to whut i have gone through and feel. you have a alent and i just want to say thank you for sharing it with the world
Oh my gosh! I love this poem so much. It brought tears to my eyes. My boyfriend got locked up 2 and 1/2 months ago, and I can completely relate to this poem. I miss him so much. It was the hardest thing for me to watch the cops take him away. I love3 your poem.
i loved yo poem the same thing is happin to me my boyfried i hooked up like a mounth ago might go to prison and i love and miss him so very much. but keep strong
I thought this poem was cute my boyfriend is locked up at the moment he's been in 3 weeks so far and it's really hard i know i love him so i'm obviously going to wait we have been together 4 1 yaear and 6 months and in that time he has give me everything i ever want and i just want to thank him for that. I'm going to print this poem off and send it to him, so tnxs alot babe - good work! **********
yea i can relate to ur poem a lot, i really like this poem. my boyfriend jus got locked up lastweek and he might be in for a year and i already cant stand being without him. i was lookin for poems to send him and i found this, and im happy that i did.
I really enjoied this poem because it sounds like what happen when my boyfriend asked me out. I was frozen and didn't know what to say. I had been crushing on him for quite some time then and word got around to him and he then cam up to me in the hall way before my 7/8 hour class and asked if I would ever go out with him and I said yes then he asked me and I was so happy but I was frozen and I couldn't think of what to say. So when I saw this poem I knew I wasn't alone in that feeling.
I really liked your poem , my man Kevin is in jail he had been it for 3 months he has 2 more to do untill his court date then whatever the courts say is the rest of the time that he will do . i miss him like crazy and i can realite to what your feeling. Did you send this Poem to your bf in jail? well the poem is really good and i am sorry for him being locked up, i no the feeling.
Jessica I love your poem it's really sweet. It really touched my heard.
i loved ur poem. it kinda reminds me of my boyfriend i just started dating and he might be going to jail on friday and from the days we spent together i care for him lots and now im gonna miss him so im looking around to find a poem to send him that best describes my feelings torwards him. keep up the writing.
I really liked your poem and i thought that it was very sweet. My boyfriend is locked up too so i know how you feel. He has been in jail for 5 months now and i miss him greatly.
wow the poem made me cry my bf is locked up too hes is qonna do 2 yrz and half. Hes 20 and i am almost 24. i am deeply in love with him thats what makes it harder. i was having his baby but from all the stress of losing him i lost our baby :(
WOW! i know what you are going through. my bf was locked up for over a year and i just saw him for the first time in december! it was the best xmas present to be able to see him! just keep strong everything is ok in the end if its not ok then its not the end!
I liked your poem, it was really cute. keep up your good work!
Your poem is great. Probably one of the best ones I've ever read. You made me feel all the things I used to feel when I first met my boyfriend. That I wish I could still feel. Your a great writer keep on writing.
i like this poem
i think your poems is cute
i really like your poem because my boyfriend got locked up in april and is still there but there is something that makes it worse. i just had his daughter and he cant even hold her. I definatly feel your pain
This poem really appealed to me, because my baby is in jail right now too and it is so hard. I kind have a feeling of what you are going through.
i thought ur poem was really good and i could relate cuz my boyfriend was locked up in march and got out a couple weeks later but i told him i would be waiting for him no matter how long it would be. he knows i'm on the other end waiting for him when he gets locked up.
my bf got locked up in febuary, trust me i feel your pain, be strong! God Bless
good poem.. and i know what your going through, the guy i love got locked up 2 weeks ago and im goin 2 wait on him..
your poem was really sweet..your a wonderful poet..i hope you and your boyfriend have a great loving and healthy relationship!
I think you're poem was great, because i really like this girl in my english class but i am not sure if she likes me.
omg!that is sooooooooooo good!you are a great poet! keep up the great work!
This poem is soo good.cause my boyfriend jus got locked up and i really miss him
I loved the poem. I hope you write more like it.
I really loved your poem!!! I feel the sameway about someone who I saw love at first site. Great poem and keep up the good work. ~ Megan
this poem was good. people can read it and relate to what your saying. we all feel that way sometimes but we don't know how to say it. you said it for us.
Whenever i read this poem it reminded me of the way that i felt when i first laid my eyes on the most beautiful angel on earth. Although this poem was directed to her boy friend it reminded me of the time i fell in love at first sight.
I loved your poem. It was so sweet. I have been through this internet page millions of times but I like yours the best. even though i love to read poems i can write them at all so i would love it if you could send me some more
This is a very good poem!!!!! It helped me realize how much I love my boyfriend. So thank and if you write any more poems I bet they are great so keep up the good work and thank you again!!!!
this poems tells exactly how i felt the first time i saw my boyfriend!!
this poem is great..i hope that when ur b/f gets out of jail..u 2 will reunite and stay together.great job
your poem is the situation i'm in with my boyfriend.he's locked up but i love him,so i'll wait for him.i'll always love him
this is the best poem ive read for love at first sight it says exactlly what I feel. Great poem!!!
jessica, i love your poem. i think it is the most incredible thing i've ever read. it's really good. keep writting them.
Jessica I loved that poem that was really really a loving poem! If I had a choice to rate it between 1-10 I would vote 10
i loved it. i know exactly how you feel and i'm sorry about your boyfrien. mine is about to leave for bootcamp and i can't bear the thought that he's leaving me behind for so long.
I really like this poem 'cause it clarifies my point on how love can feel like it has only been there for 5 minutes at the end but when you see your love at first sight, it's like it lasted for a life-time.
really good poem jessica! =)
that poem was really touching. the first time i saw mt darling was in Maths class. and i fell in love at first site. sorry bout you b/f. i hope he gets out soon. thanx for your great poem. my darling will love it!
i think u have quite a bit of knollege. i like ur poem
oh my god-this like tottally touched my heart.i absolutely loved it from start to finish!

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