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About the Poem

Usually when your looking for love you never find it, and when you stop believing in it, is when it finds you . . .

My First Love

I never thought I'd ever learn to Love,
the way simple lovers do.
I always believed it was impossible.
Yet I found myself so in love with you.
Now I know exactly what love truly is
and you are my reason why;
You convinced me to let you in my soul . . .
And you promised you would never lie.
I have learned to cherish and trust you,
In a way I never had before.
And if anything were ever to happen,
My Love,
I think I would only love you more.
I fought my feelings along the way,
but in the end it remains still true -
I have finally found My love in life.
(Just like you always knew. )
If you told me once, you told me twice,
Just how beautiful love could be.
Yet I never realized until now,
that you were speaking of you and me.
You have brought me such happiness,
it takes all my sadness away.
And with my endless loyalty
I will so lovingly repay.
You are my love in life.
This I will never forget.
You are the Love of my Life,
This I knew from the moment we met.
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© 1999 Tazita Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

54 Visitor Comments

aww. this is soooo sweet. i absolutly loove it! =] it's like the best thing i have heard in a very long time! AMAZING! =]
i really liked this poem because it makes my think of my true love the guy i love with all my heart this poem really touches my deeply so thats why i loved it
I wanted something for our wedding that just summed up what myself and my fiance were all about and reflected out love and lives. I cried when I read this poem and loved it because it says it all in a way that touched both of us so much and felt like it had been written just for us .
this a really good poem i sometimes wish i were this good at writting poetry.
Disz wus GOOD! lol almost had me in tears.
This is a awsome poem.
this poem is so great I'm sending it to my ex now you are very talented congradulations on that wonderful poem you really inspired me to wanna write poetry I just dont think I have that kind of talent.
great. really came from the heart
it seems like it talkin about me
nice one. more poems like these please.
Im telling this poem to my boyfriend! This poem has so many strong emotions above love it makes me feel so warm inside. Love Stevie xx
i wanted to vote for this poem because it really touched me. i'm only 15 and i feel the same way.
This poem has touched me in such a way, I had to send it to my husband. we were only 12 and 13 yrs old when we first started a childhood romance. Things happen and children grow, we went our seperate ways thru life growing up. After 38 yrs apart, never hearing from one another. we found each other again in Classmates. We are now married and very much in love and nothing will seperate us again.
I really love this poem it touched me because thats how I feel about love. I used to love someone like that but somehow he choose to break my heart in a way I still love him and I know I always will. And your poem got me thinking thats how love is supposed to be, and one day I hope that I will find someone whos gonna love me for me. Thanks and keep on writing and you can inspire people.
I really like this poem it seems like its talking about me
I loved this poem because it reminds me of the relationship I am in now. Me and my boyfriend have went through alot but we are still together and now our love is even stronger! I shared this poem with him and it brought tears to my eyes because he looked at me and told me that his love for me could not be expressed through words and that he loved me deeply. I really hope this poem touched people as much as it touched me.
I love this poem because it says so little and means so much in so many ways. I never thought i would find a poem saying exactly how i feel not unless i wrote it myself. I give you mad credit to your work.
I love this poem as it is so true. When I was looking for love it didn't come and as soon as I stopped believing I found the love of my life and we both feel the same. We knew we were meant to be from the day we met. I have emailed a copy of this poem to my boyfriend as it is special just like what we have!
I love this poem a lot too as it really says clearly why and how did I really fall for my current boy friend. To add more my boy friend was also the person who really changed my life (through my character) which my parents really gave up.
this poem was nice it touch me. nice job.
i really love your poem i feel u on this one
your poem was very touching and true im 17 and just experiencing my first love and this poem expresses my feelings for him really clearly i really enjoyed it and hope you continue to write more
this poem describes EVERYTHING i feel for my first love. I personally think this is one of the best poems i have EVER read!IT"S GREAT:)
This poem made me think about a lot of things and it was great.
This poem was so beautiful, it made me think of the love of my life and our relationship that we have. Thank you so much for this poem.
i love this poem becaus eit expresses the way i feel about my love kythuane
This poem made me cry. It was so beautiful it matches me and my boyfirend right know we've been going off and on for 8 years and finily we are staying together. Thanks you made me smile i will pass this to him
At 50 yrs old, I found my the first man I have ever loved. Sadly we have had to part, your poem says exactly how I felt, and still do about my man. Its a beautiful poem and I wish you even more sucess with every one you write. Thankyou.
that was beautiful, iam touch me if only all love are like this?
This poem is amazing! Bravo!
I think that this poem was very sweet because it mad me want to read it to my boyfriend because I wouldn't have known what love was if I had never met him so I really think this poem is specail.
This is a vey good poem.and i love it it make me think of my X and it's sad.
This is a beautiful poem!
I always thought i would never find love but then i met my boyfriend and everything fell into place i've never been happier and everyday that goes by i love him even more and this poem express exactly how i feel and how i have felt.i love it
Love? there is No word to express .. Its wonderfull poem . More than The Word Can say more than . u all imagine iam just 17 male And I like it very mush
This is one of the most beautiful poems i have read. I was looking for the perfect poem to send to the guy I love and i knew right away that this poem was and is truly how i feel about him. I hope to read many more of your wonderful poems
It took me a long time to find a poem that expressed the way I fee about a certain person, this is the poem I searched for.
Perfect for me to get my women back
i liked it very much &i thank my friend for saying such a lovely website
i really like your peoms, it was really good and i sent it to my b/f to tell him how i felt about him
I fell in love with your poem. It was wonderful. It touched my are a very gifted writer. Keep up the good work!
I would first like to start off by saying how much this poem means to me.. Well to tell u the truth it really touched my heart and made me feel good inside.. This poem inspires me to love poetry more and more everyday.. I have to admitt it's one of the best there is out their,so I'm casting a vote to the poem and to the auther..From the bottom of my heart I give u my love and thank u for giving this poem to the world so that teens like me are able to read it!
This poem explains the way I feel about my fiance Kevin. This poem is beautiful and Tazita you have great talent.
Wow! This poem is wonderful!
This is beauty.pure beauty.
this is a really nice and sweet poem
great poem well written sent to my boyfriend and he loved it
This is a wonderful poem, I send it to my Boyfriend who lives in the Caribean.
You have the talent to write such a beautiful poem...the best so far i heve read. keep up the good work
I love this poem
This poem makes me speechless. It brought tears to my eyes because I feel the same way about someone special.
That how feeld about my first love i like that so much thank you

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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